
Plenary: Pathways to Resilience and Hope

Day 2: Friday

9:30 am

No speakers

Plenary: Collaborative Pathways to Resilience and Hope

This plenary brings together an extraordinary mix of voices—keynote addresses and dynamic panel discussions by funders, practitioners, policymakers, and changemakers working at the forefront of mental health, resilience, and community well-being. Through these diverse perspectives, we will explore how partnerships across sectors can pave the way for impactful, sustainable change.

The keynote address will set the stage by offering insights into the global landscape of mental health and the critical role of collaboration in overcoming today’s most pressing challenges. Following the keynote, panels will dive deep into real-world experiences, sharing success stories and lessons learned from those actively working to build resilience and hope on the ground. This session is designed to inspire, inform, and ignite new ideas for cross-sector collaboration.

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