
Research Track: Collaborative Research for Global Impact

Research Track: Collaborative Research for Global Impact

This session will bring together global mental health researchers, practitioners, and collaborators to explore how international partnerships can drive meaningful change in mental health research and policy. In a world where mental health issues cross borders, collaboration is more important than ever. This panel will address the opportunities and challenges of conducting research that spans continents and cultures, while also highlighting how these collaborations can inform global mental health policies and foster innovation.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Challenges of Logistics and Infrastructure in International Collaborations: Discover the common obstacles faced when conducting cross-border research and discuss potential solutions for overcoming these hurdles.
  • The Role of Collaborative Research in Shaping Global Mental Health Policies: Using the PaM-D project as a case study, we will examine how collaborative research can influence and inform global policy development.
  • Technology and Data Sharing in Global Mental Health Research: Explore the opportunities and barriers presented by data sharing, including the challenges of gatekeeping and elitism within international research collaborations.
  • Ensuring Rigorous, Culturally Sensitive, and Replicable Research: Learn how collaborative research can be designed to respect cultural contexts while maintaining scientific rigor and ensuring the results can be applied globally.
  • Strategies for Building a Global Research Community: We will discuss ways to foster ongoing collaboration and innovation within the global research community, ensuring that partnerships continue to drive progress and make a lasting impact.

Why Attend?

This panel is ideal for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who are involved in or interested in international mental health research. Whether you're currently collaborating across borders or looking to begin, this session will provide valuable insights into overcoming challenges, building partnerships, and making your research more impactful on a global scale.

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